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Transform Your Workplace with Strategic Office Plants Placement

Where you place your office plants can significantly impact the health and wellness of your office greenery and can have a serious ripple effect on your office’s general wellbeing. Here’s why plant placement matters:

The Power of Plant Placement in your Office Space

Plants are often overlooked in the bustling office environment. When measured against urgent meetings, pressing deadlines, and targets that need to be met, indoor plants are a minor detail in the lives of a business’ executive team and employees. Too many plants are just seen as a decorative feature that only contributes to aesthetics.

But the truth is, indoor plants have a myriad of benefits that contribute positively to the office environment. Greenery is integral to a healthy and productive workspace, especially when curated indoor plants are:

  • Expertly sourced, 
  • Properly placed, 
  • and well maintained

This is where Natura comes in. Our primary goal is to foster an environment that supports the wellbeing of plants to promote a happy and productive workspace. We’re passionate about our job so that you can be passionate about yours!

However, you might be wondering what placement has to do with the health and wellness of your indoor plants. And, why proper placement matters so much in the long run.

The Consequences of Improper Placement

  • Compromised Plant Health

two people installing indoor plantsOne of the most frequent placement mistakes we see time and again is the placement of plants that need to be bathed in sunlight living in low-light areas. Knowing which species will thrive where (like which species flourish in low-light office spaces) is crucial to a lively and vibrant indoor plantscape. This is something that’s often overlooked.

Not everyone has a green thumb, which is why we believe in the importance of partnering with a plant specialist, especially when it comes to plant selection. You might have a specific look you’re going for, with ideas for plant species that would suit your aesthetic, but Natura has the expertise needed to ensure their longevity and sustainability.

  • Safety Hazards/Accessibility 

white pots with indoor plants in a passageWe’re also aware of how important it is to take size into account when integrating indoor plants into a space. Without an eye for design, it’s easy to place oversized plants in a small area—or vice-versa. The length and width of plants are also often overlooked, with clients placing large plants in narrow walkways. This  impedes  accessibility, which can be a safety hazard. 

In addition to sourcing the best plants for offices, or the most appropriate office desk plants for your staff, Natura’s Design Consultants have been trained to take safety into account when planning your indoor plant design. Unless you were an expert, you wouldn’t know where it’s best to place items, such as fire extinguishers, right? 

  • Accidental Damage

plants in an officeYour plant investment can come off second best if you’re not hyper aware of proper placement. Putting a plant at or near a busy doorway can be detrimental to its health, and placing containers next to high-traffic areas can put them at risk of being knocked over, leading to broken pots and unnecessary Natura-PON spillage.

Placing office plants without due diligence, which includes considering traffic patterns or environmental conditions like light and air flow, will inevitably cause plants to suffer. This, in turn, impacts the overall ambiance of an office workspace. Damaged plants are not a good look for any business. They communicate sloppiness and a general lack of professionalism.

Proper placement is therefore one of Natura’s key considerations during the consultation process. Inadequate lighting or poor ventilation will stress out your greenery, causing it to grow poorly. Many of our clients assume that a withering plant simply needs more water. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

You Need a Plant Expert

Man maintaining plantsNatura’s all-inclusive plant programs include a dedicated plant technician who visits your site for regular maintenance services. Unlike you may think, this involves so much more than regular watering. 

Pruning when appropriate and keeping an eye out for pests are also key considerations during maintenance. Our plant technicians are trained to water, fertilize, dust, trim, and rotate plants when necessary. They understand the intricacies involved when it comes to each plant species. And, hey have an eye for placement and will know when a plant might thrive (or thrive more) in a different area.

Over and above our regular maintenance services, Natura’s professional plant services will first assess your office environment thoroughly, considering factors such as light levels, air quality, and traffic patterns to determine the optimal placement for each plant.

Working collaboratively with our clients , we also consider whether you want to draw attention toward or away from a focal point in the room (or if you’d like a plant installation to serve as a focal point). In terms of traffic, we can arrange plant life in such a way that it keeps people moving through a space— like down a walkway or into a hallway.

Natura’s Thumb Print

Taking the guesswork out of horticultural design, Natura’s award-winning designers take a close look at the space they’re working with to ensure that they choose plants that match the space’s scale and will thrive in the available air and lighting.

We also refuse to beat around the bush (‘excuse the pun). We love seeing our clients’ Pinterest inspirations, but we will also always be honest about what plant life will flourish in your space in the long term. Our trained horticulturists have the knowledge and skills to assess risks and predict potential issues before they become a problem. Our approach aims to save you money in the long run.

Our approach is also holistic. We will always select the best plants for your unique needs, implementing the ideal placement strategies to ensure that your plant life ;and, in turn, your company, thrives.

Ready to go pro? Download our checklist on choosing your interior plant service.