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Revolutionizing Office Plant Care in the Workplace with Natura-PON™

Some of the most common problem areas people encounter when it comes to office plant maintenance include over/underwatering, inadequate aeration, and a lack of sufficient nutrients. It’s with this in mind that we use (and supply) Natura-PONTM, a unique alternative to traditional potting soil that solves your plant care problems.

Natura-Pon™ plant maintenance

Having properly curated indoor plant life in your office is essential for a healthy, vibrant, and productive workspace. However, it can be a pain to maintain your plants if you don’t know what you’re doing, not to mention a dirt-filled endeavor if you’re using conventional soil for your potted plants.

That is why we choose to use Natura-PONTM, a unique blend of natural minerals carefully selected by our horticulturalists to optimize water-retention capabilities, proper aeration, and the provision of plant nutrients.  

Plant soil and potting mixes can be cumbersome and messy, which is not ideal in a professional environment. Moreover, traditional soil solutions are not one-size-fits-all, which means you can never be 100% sure whether a particular soil or potting mix will meet the exact needs of your indoor plants. 

Natura-PONTM, however, was developed with the diversity of plant species and their unique needs  in mind. Not only boasting an outstanding water storage capability that allows for plants to take up water at their own rate, Natura-PONTM is also a nutrient-dense substrate neatly packaged into granular pebbles. This provides space for optimal aeration, preventing issues like waterlogging and root rot.

But what is Natura-PONTM, exactly?


Natura-PONTM is a sustainable potting soil alternative sourced from aged volcanic pumice and zeolite, which gives it its rich mineral quality and water-storage capabilities. A version of Natura-PONTM has been used internationally for over 20 years, trading under the name Vulkaponic. As the first US importer of this product, we rebranded the substrate to include our brand name—Natura—while still referencing the semi-hydroponic environment that Natura-PONTM creates.  

It's important to note that Natura-PONTM is a semi-hydroponic substrate, meaning we leave the soil intact around the root ball of each plant. Ultimately, its adaptability makes Natura-PONTM a winning product that checks all the right boxes for thriving indoor plant life, meeting the needs of a diverse range of plant species.  

Why Natura-PONTM Works

There are countless advantages to using professional landscaping services for your office. Natura clients, however, have the added benefit of our trademarked soil alternative, which is included as standard in all our packages. And, since Natura-PONTM was designed with corporate clients in mind, this makes us the ideal service provider to meet all your indoor office plant needs.  

We sourced Natura-PONTM with specific benefits in mind, including its unique ability to:

  1. Improve the health of your indoor plants

    Greenery grows better in Natura-PONTM than in generic potting soil thanks to a steady supply of moisture, oxygen, and optimal nutrients drawn through the roots. At Natura, we understand that a nutrient-rich environment and the right amount of water are crucial for robust plant growth, especially in a low-light office environment. We also understand the unique needs of different plant species and that a single office’s indoor plant design can comprise hundreds of different plant varieties. This is why we use Natura-PONTM to ensure that the individual needs of every living plant are met, even in its diversity. 

  2. Reduce watering frequency

    Natura Pon being added to plantsOne of the standout features of Natura-PONTM is its ability to store water, allowing each plant to take up water at the rate that it needs. This considerably reduces the maintenance requirements of indoor plant life, including watering frequency. It also takes the responsibility of maintenance off your shoulders or, in the case of Natura, simply streamlines our maintenance process (which also comes standard in our packages). 

    Natura’s plants are guaranteed to have a consistent supply of nutrients and water from the substrate, which means your office plants will thrive with minimal intervention, freeing you up to conduct your work in a rich, verdant environment that’s well maintained and taken care of.

  3. Enhance your plant design’s aesthetic appeal

    three indoor office plants with Natura-Pon The Natura-PONTM substrate is packaged as a mix of off-white granular pebbles, which are, by themselves, attractive, with a clean and modern aesthetic. This eliminates the need for an additional decorative top dressing, bringing down the cost of your indoor plant design while boosting the aesthetic appeal of your workspace.  

    Thanks to Natura-PONTM, plants are guaranteed sufficient water and nutrients regardless of the weather, which ensures that every one of our installations features lush, healthy, and vibrant foliage all year round. And, while the impact of healthy indoor plant life on your staff and employees might not be visible, research proves that plants boost employee morale and productivity. 

    This can, however, have an adverse effect if plants are sick, wilting, or dead. Plants that aren’t well looked after typically stunt in growth or develop yellowing leaves (which can detract from a professional aesthetic). This is why we put our trust in Natura-PONTM, making sure that when our maintenance staff is ‘out of office’, all installations remain bright, thriving, and beautiful.

  4. Prevent root rot and fungus gnats

    Managing the water levels of different plant species is one of the most common challenges in plant care (it’s also one of the best reasons to hire a professional landscaper). While underwatering your plant has obvious detrimental effects, overwatering can be equally destructive. And, sadly, we’ve noticed one too many clients leaning towards overwatering when their plants begin to wither. This results in waterlogged soil, which can cause root rot and unwanted pests, like fungus gnats.

    This is where Natura-PONTM is most advantageous. Due to its semi-hydroponic nature and water absorption capabilities, the substrate releases water gradually (as and when needed). Moreover, the solution’s porous structure promotes optimum aeration, which makes for happy and healthy roots with the right balance of water and oxygen.

An Eco-Friendly Bonus

For all the right reasons, eco-consciousness and sustainability have become top priorities in the corporate space. Businesses across the board are working hard to decrease their environmental footprint and contribute positively in a water-scarce world.  

This is why Natura-PONTM is such an attractive option for our corporate clients. Made from sustainably sourced minerals that attract and retain water, the Natura-PONTM substrate extends the watering cycle of a plant, reducing our installations’ reliance on water. And, because of how efficient the substrate is at keeping plants healthy and thriving (with a steady supply of water and nutrients), you won’t need to replace plants as often, which not only minimizes waste but also saves you money in the long run. 

Natura is also a WELL partner, meaning any indoor plant design we have a hand in will align with your business’s corporate sustainability goals. Our commitment to eco-friendly biophilic design, with the help of our trademarked substrate, can only position you as a responsible and forward-thinking organization that cares about the environment. 

Bespoke Plant Maintenance

Three people services the indoor office plantsWith decades of experience under our collective belts, Natura’s plant specialists have seen countless variations of the same three problem areas in office plant care:

  • Over/Underwatered Plants

  • Insufficient Root Aeration

  • Nutrient Deficiencies 

Prompted by these common problem areas, we sourced a product that could meet the varying needs of different plant species in one solution. This is why Natura now proudly offers Natura-PONTM as a standard in all our packages. And, while it’s not available through mainstream retail outlets, we do sell Natura-PONTM to other interior landscapers who, like us, have a deep-rooted love for greenery and quality plant products.

Natura-PONTM is our preferred alternative to traditional soil and potting solutions that offers ideal levels of water retention, root aeration, and nutrient availability. It works to create an optimal environment for plants to thrive, starting from the roots and extending to the overall health, vitality, and longevity of every plant exposed to the substrate. 

Need more information about Natura-PONTM? We thought you might! Head on over to our Natura-PONTM product page, which has extra FAQs and additional resources to help you make an informed decision or get in touch with us today!