How Indoor Atrium Plants Can Help Increase Occupancy Rates
Looking for ways to increase the occupancy rate in your hotel? Whatever you do, resist the urge to automatically lower prices. Sure, a few people may choose your hotel over another due to price. In the end though, it won’t be enough to compensate for lost revenue from slashed rates. Potential hotel guests aren’t necessarily looking for the lowest price. Whether for vacation or business travel, guests are looking for comfort, amenities, and a stress-free environment. The first step to achieving this is indoor atrium plants.
You might be thinking, Plants? Can a few indoor atrium plants really attract guests? Surely people don’t choose a hotel because of plants! In fact, strategically placed plants do far more than sit around looking nice.
First of all, indoor atrium plants help regulate airflow, providing guests with a burst of fresh air as they enter the building. Nothing rejuvenates like crisp, clean air. Fresh air from plants is something clients may not consciously notice, but olfactory memory retention is one of our strongest human senses. The relaxation and sense of well-being that clean air inspires translates to happier guests who are more likely to utilize amenities and more likely to remember your hotel as a comfortable, pleasant place to stay. Chances are, they’ll recommend you highly to friends, colleagues, and customers.
In addition, thriving, indoor atrium plants send a clear message that your hotel is run by nurturing professionals. Healthy greenery imparts cleanliness, competence, and a strong attention to detail—putting guests at ease and leading to a better, more comfortable stay.
A Worthwhile and Affordable Investment
When money is tight, it can be tricky to determine the most cost-effective way to invest in your business. Hiring a service to select, deliver, and maintain indoor atrium plants offers numerous benefits, both seen and unseen by guests. Consult the professionals, and find out how affordable an investment indoor atrium plants can be. For further details, call Plant Interscapes at 1-888-284-2257 or fill in this form and we will be in touch