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Dallas Interior Plants: The Right Planters for the Job

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Looking for indoor plants to raise in a warm city like Dallas? Interior plants may thrive or wilt depending on the planter they are placed in. This is because the size, shape, and material of any planter have a profound impact on the plant’s capacity for root growth, photosynthesis, budding, and moisture regulation. While the appearance of the planter is important, functionality is key. When selecting plants and planters for indoor use, then, the planter should be considered another part of the greenery’s environment, just like sunlight, temperature, or water.

How to Choose the Right Material

Any Dallas interior plants store should have a wide selection of planters in wood, terra cotta, metal, and plastic. Consider these attributes:

  • Terra cotta pots are excellent at regulating moisture due to their porous nature. These are most often found in a burnt orange color, but they also come in brown, red, or blue. However, since terra cotta pots are fragile, dropping one will mean disaster.
  • Metal planters are sturdy, but they hold moisture in, especially if they lack drainage holes. This can cause root rot, which is bad news.
  • Plastic planters may also cause root rot without proper drainage, though these tend to be lighter and more manageable than metal.
  • Wooden planters have many of the same benefits as terra cotta. However, if they aren’t properly treated, these can literally fall apart over time.

How to Choose the Right Shape

When deciding on a planter shape, consider the roots. Cacti and succulents, for example, may have shallow roots that grow wider than the exposed portion of the plant. Flowering plants or trees may have large, deep roots that necessitate repotting once or twice a year.

Select Your Planters with Confidence

Pairing the right planters with your indoor plants makes caring for them even easier. In cities like Austin and Dallas, interior plants specialists favor terra cotta and wooden planters for their versatility and material benefits. Your local plant supplier should be willing and able to explain all your options so you can make your selections with confidence. For further assistance, contact Plant Interscapes at 1-888-284-2257.