We have been talking a lot about the many advantages of interior plants. From improving air quality and reducing office noise, which causes stress, to actually saving businesses money because of less data entry errors and fewer employee absences.
Is it all true or just hype? Seems like if having live office plants was that helpful, then we would all be surrounded by them.
It’s true. There are many studies that support interior plants in the office and home.
Then the question becomes: Do the benefits outweigh the time and effort it takes to maintain live plants?
Once again, we think yes. And it can be made easy when you hire interior plant service. Check out this case study to learn how a horticulture specialist can help you. The specialist will consider your environment and help you choose the right plants.
A Green Living Wall is a beautiful option that is very innovative and different than the traditional plant and container duo. But because live plants make up their entirety, they are just as effective for the workplace environment.
Learn how to maintain Green Living Walls
Benefits of Green Living Walls
The truth is that plants can be tremendously helpful and restorative, but you have to know what you’re doing. That means choosing the right indoor plants to meet your needs and suit your environment. It also means learning how to keep each plant alive and thriving. Interior plant service from a professional horticulture specialist is a great option for choosing the right indoor plants and maintain them. Contact Natura to learn more about interior plant service.