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Top 5 Advantages of Indoor Plants | Natura®

Written by Natura | Mar 20, 2014 8:19:04 AM

We’ve all heard about the many advantages of indoor plants. Is it all true or just hype? Seems like if having plants around was that helpful, then we’d all be surrounded by them.

If you’re wondering whether indoor plants are worth the time and upkeep, consider these five advantages:

  1. Therapeutic value (mental)

    Many types of plants are well suited for color therapy or aromatherapy. Certain scents and colors are known to trigger feelings on a subconscious level. Blues and greens are known to be calming colors. Lavender is a relaxing scent, while lemon and orange aromas improve mental function. The act of caring for a plant is also mentally healing in and of itself.
  2. Therapeutic value (physical)

    The first medicines were made from plants, and rightly so. Aloe is a succulent plant containing a gel that speeds healing and takes the pain out of burns, bites, and scrapes. Herbs like chamomile and nettle make tasty and restorative teas. Chives and their flowers are flavorful and are also high in antioxidants.

  3. Better sleep

    Most people don’t count sound sleep as one of the typical advantages of indoor plants. However, high oxygen-emitting plants aid in falling and staying asleep, and aren’t addictive like some sleeping pills.

  4. Reduced illnesses and pests

    Many plants remove toxins from the air that can cause colds and headaches and prevent restorative sleep. Plants can also keep insects away. In addition, acclimating children to plants at a young age can reduce their chances of developing allergies later on.
  5. Aesthetic appeal

    Being pretty isn’t often listed as one of the advantages of indoor plants. However, being surrounded by beauty is known to make people happier.

The truth is that plants can be tremendously helpful and restorative, but you have to know what you’re doing. That means choosing the right indoor plants to meet your needs and suit your environment. It also means learning how to keep each plant alive and thriving. For more information on the advantages of indoor plants or plant selection and care, contact Natura at 1-888-284-2257.