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Plant Rentals Can Spruce Up Any Office | Natura®

Written by Natura | Nov 18, 2013 1:53:15 PM

The benefits of having fresh greenery in a business or office setting are well documented. The right plants can cut down on sickness and lead to an increase in focus, resulting in a larger and better work output. Plants filter the air, smell nice, and contribute to a calm and productive atmosphere. They also impress clients, making a great impact in overt and covert ways. With that in mind, it seems like every business can benefit from the addition of plants to the environment. But if you’re not good with plants or don’t have time for them, you may feel none of this will help you. That’s when plant rentals can save the day.

Renting plants might seem like an unusual business practice. The truth is, more and more businesses are using plant service vendors to install and maintain indoor and outdoor plants and even vertical gardens. Short-term plant rentals may also be used for business events, parties, conventions, and important client meetings—in fact, any special function or gathering.

How it Works

The process begins by selecting plants and planters that meet your needs and suit your existing décor. A plant care specialist may come in and evaluate your space to ensure that the lighting and temperature will be appropriate for the plants you select. Once plants and planters are installed, a specialist will return periodically to inspect and maintain your greenery. Then when it’s time to make a change—seasonally or whenever you have the urge—the specialist will come back with fresh new plants that provide a whole new look. Some packages may even include lighting, floral arrangements, impressive displays, and more.

How to Get Started

The best way to get started is to find a qualified supplier in your area with solid testimonials and a superior business reputation. They should guarantee their work and have an excellent selection.

Plant rentals allow you to reap all the benefits of indoor and outdoor greenery in your business without having to develop your own green thumb. Look to indoor trees, orchids, or simple spider plants—the possibilities are myriad. For more information, contact Natura at 1-888-284-2257.