Blog | Natura

Easy to Care for Display Plants | Natura®

Written by Natura | Sep 7, 2013 10:54:27 AM

We all know how much good plants can do for an indoor space. They look pretty, smell great, and can help clean the very air we breathe. Plants have been known to reduce sickness, improve mood, and make any atmosphere a little more cheerful. Given everything plants do for us, it makes sense that we’d all want to keep some in the places we live, work, and congregate. So what’s the down side? Sadly, plenty of people think they’re bad at keeping plants alive. Horticulture is a skill that people study for years – decades even. Surely, we mere mortals don’t have the skills it takes to keep beautiful display plants alive… or do we?

Once you understand some basics about soil, water, and light, it may be possible for the untrained to keep lots of different plants looking vibrant and healthy. While some display plants are fussy and have exacting requirements for temperature and humidity, others need very little attention. The amaryllis, for example, is a beautiful flowering display plant. It is often sold as a bulb that may be kept in a planter with just a little loose soil. Water it occasionally and before you know it, you’ll have big beautiful flowers on stems two feet tall. Really! Or look to simple plants like ivy or succulents such as aloe. These are easy to care for with just a little water and occasionally, some fresh soil.

When choosing display plants for your space, consider how much (if any) time you’ll want to spend tending them. Observe how much natural lighting the space gets, and how much room you have for plants to grow. Small spaces may do best with plants that grow straight upwards, while larger areas are well suited to a crawling ivy. Still not sure how to proceed? Getting a little professional advice is a smarter alternative than merely taking a guess. Plant specialists are standing by to help you determine what display plants will best meet your needs. You may be amazed at what a difference some greenery makes.