Blog | Natura

The Benefits of Living Green Walls | Natura®

Written by Natura | Oct 18, 2013 3:11:08 PM

If you’re a fan of indoor plants, you probably already know many of their great benefits. Plants increase the oxygen in the air and scrub out impurities and airborne toxins like benzene and formaldehyde, which are found in furniture, wooden shelves, and other home products. The right indoor plants can also help workers relax, focus, and become more productive. In hospitals, plants have even been shown to speed patient healing times. But what if you don’t have room for plants? Does that mean you have to forgo all their perks? Of course not! More people than ever are enjoying the benefits of living green walls.

Living green walls are also called eco-walls or vertical gardens. They can be installed on existing walls, or they may be freestanding structures in which plants grow with little to no soil. Living green walls may be placed indoors or outdoors, and can host many types of greenery depending on your needs and preferences. Best of all, living green walls can be installed and maintained by professionals, which takes the burden off of you.

Since the 1930s, this type of hydroponic vertical plant display has been around in some form. However, modern living green walls are designed to last longer than their earlier counterparts. Some plants can last years before needing to be replaced. In living green walls, plants only need replacing if they die (a rare occurrence with proper maintenance) or when the roots run out of space. Sometimes plants are inserted into a panel; these panel systems can be used indoors or outside, as long as the plants are meant to grow in your local environment. On the other hand, tray systems have small receptacles where the roots grow, allowing the plants to flourish and bloom outward and upward. Tray systems are most often used inside.

Living green walls are increasingly popular, especially in the business world. We already know that a lush supply of office plants leads to increased productivity, decreased absenteeism, and the breakdown of “sick building syndrome.” What you may not know is a multitude of LEEDs (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) credits are available to business owners who install plants in the workplace. Surprisingly, living green walls use very little water since they are hydrated using a drip irrigation system or a recirculating system that continually reuses the water with almost no waste. As a result, water conservation and efficiency credits, energy and atmosphere credits, sustainability, and innovation credits can add up to big savings.

Another benefit of vertical plant life is that it insulates both temperature and sound. This creates a better work environment while saving on heating and cooling costs. Outside, vertical plants protect the structure by reducing the expansion and shrinkage caused by seasonal temperature and humidity fluctuations. These outdoor plants also encourage biodiversity by giving a home to local birds and insects. Living green walls become even more affordable when you consider all the money they save—all while reducing your carbon footprint.

However, you may be wondering if living green walls are difficult to care for and maintain. The honest answer is that yes, they can be—but this doesn’t mean that vertical growing is beyond your reach. The best vendors and suppliers will help you select the right plants for your space so you can purchase or rent with confidence. Ideally, plants grown locally should be used to ensure they thrive in your environment. The right vendor will also care for and maintain your plants, especially during that all-important early stage that can be crucial to a successful vertical grow structure. The vendor you choose should guarantee your satisfaction and replace any greenery that isn’t up to your standards.

When you consider how much money you can save while improving your environment, you may wonder why you waited so long to install living green walls. To learn more about starting your own wall, contact Natura here at 1-888-284-2257.